spring waits for no one

Garden 3-13-13 001We spent time last week cleaning out what I like to call the “bucket brigade,” but we haven’t had the chance to put our self-watering buckets back together, much less get anything planted in them. They’re just sitting… waiting…

Patiently, I hope.

Between busy schedules and the weather, there hasn’t been any real time this week to get back out there, and I’m getting antsy.  It’s been raining a bit in the last few days, and I’m wishing it was falling into readied containers.

But Spring isn’t waiting for us, and things are starting to happen elsewhere on the balcony.  Two weeks ago I scattered some leaf lettuce seed in a trough container and a Garden 3-13-13 003couple of days ago was delighted to see that they’ve sprouted.  The shallots I planted on the same day have made an appearance, too (well, five of the six anyway).  Our Moroccan Mint (which I’d given up for dead) is leafing as well. Several of the blueberry buds look positively ready to pop, and the raspberry is starting to leaf out.

I’m grateful that the seasons don’t wait for us, but I sure hope we’re able to catch up soon!